


 200 Hour RYT Teacher Training Program 

The WGY 200 Hour RYT teacher certification program will give you the tools, hands-on experience and confidence needed to teach a dynamic, inspiring, and safe Power Vinyasa Yoga class. Whether you want to teach yoga or not, this program will help you tap into your own authentic voice and unique self expression, and share your experience of yoga from a place of love rather than fear. This training will have a heavy emphasis on self inquiry, teaching from your own personal experience, anatomy, alignment, safe sequencing for injuries, and safe assisting, with direct feedback and coaching and many hours of teaching. The training will also provide study into the Yoga Sutras, chakras, and energetic anatomy and benefits of the eight limbs of yoga. Students will be asked to commit 100% to the program and to the assigned coursework. Graduates of this program have gone on to open their own studios, create their own programs, and deepen their own personal practice. 

You will learn to teach yoga that provides the utmost healing value, with safe alignment and sequencing, teaching from your own authentic experience.

You will teach constantly and receive immediate feedback. You will teach in small groups first, facilitated by Instructors, and then will be teaching in community classes to the public during the training.  You will receive tremendous experience in teaching to what you see in the room, as a continual conversation rather than a scripted monologue.

You will teach from a structured methodology for successful vinyasa flow classes, yin classes, teaching to students with injury, teaching restorative and yoga nidra. You will learn to teach with confidence with a strong understanding of anatomy and alignment. 

Key Elements:

  • Teach from your own experience- Tap into your own direct experience and love of sharing yoga.

  • Minimum effective wording- You will learn to use language that translates into an immediate response in your students, using direct cues that land and eliminating non essential language.

  • Immediate Feedback-  You will receive immediate feedback on what works and what doesn’t while you are teaching. You will incorporate that feedback immediately until you find your natural, authentic voice that radiates with integrity and honesty.

  • Flowing with Breath - You will learn the Key to teaching a successful vinyasa flow is getting students into their breath and linking breath successfully to movement once they find stability in a pose.

  • Safe and Mindful Sequencing- Learning to sequence intelligently for different populations, for injuries, for beginners, intermediate and advanced, with successful transitions.

  • Building Energetic Alignment: You will learn the basics of the chakra system and energetic alignment, and how to incorporate that knowledge in a practical way into your classes.

When you complete this training you will be able to teach yoga that provides the utmost healing value to your students. You will also have a solid understanding of yoga history and philosophy, the poses and assists, and anatomy and physiology, and energetic alignment.  You will learn the “anatomy” of a great class and the secrets of teaching an inspiring class that lands energetically in a student's nervous system, speaks with relevance to their mind, and touches their heart.  This is a 200 Hour Yoga Alliance Approved Teacher Training.

200 hour Teacher Training Information form (fill out and submit)

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
— Gandhi
Teaching yoga is a great and noble calling. It is a practical and honorable way to serve community and help people heal, feel, and ultimately wake up from debilitating or limiting lifestyles is an important contribution to humankind. The gratitude that shines back to you from those whom you’ve helped is your greatest reward and allows yo to go to sleep at night knowing that you are doing what you’ve ultimately come here in this life to do. 
— Baron Baptiste.

Required Reading:

Journey Into Power  —Baron Baptiste
Yamas and Niyamas - Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice —Deborah Allen
Anatomy of the Spirit — Carolyn Myss
Yoga of the Subtle Body — Tias Little
Daring Greatly — Brene Brown
The Untethered Soul — Michael A. Singer

 Recommended Reading

The Body Keeps the Score — Bessel Van Der Kolk
Getting Things Done — David Allen
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up — Marie Kondo
How Yoga Works — Michael Roach
Theme Weaver: Connect the Power of Inspiration to Teaching Yoga — Michelle Berman Marchildon
Yoga Sequencing — Mark Stephens